Saturday, October 9, 2010

This is my first time blogging.

Hi I'm Ellie. let me tell you about myself. I love drawing. And guess what? i even draw pictures for my aunts, my uncles, and my grandpas and grandmas. the next thing is about is that my favorite subject is art and social studies and the computer lab.I like social studies is that it gives you allot to learn about like studding the contentious of the earth. and get a great grade on your spelling test.(  if you get a A+or a 100% on your spelling test  I will be very very proud of you!!!!!)the rezone I like art is because . . . ow yeah, I've all ready told you this. But the rezone I love art is because I like crafts and painting. I have a sister named Faye who also has a blog.( if you want to check it out go to"") I  would really like  you to enjoy my blog. so I have some comments for you down here to show how my books are. stay cool !!!
